Sunday, July 30, 2017

The Law of Attraction with Master Resell Rights

The Law of Attraction is the thought belief that 'like attracts like'. It's method of thinking is so powerful that it can potentially unlock the mystery that will get you literally anything you want in this world!
Anything, you name it... better habits, greater career success, unlimited financial freedom, fulfilling relationships, optimal health and even a greater spiritual transcendence!
All that is required is that you are willing to 'attract' the right things into your life and you will live in a fulfilling way!
If you use the Law of Attraction to attract only one area of your life, you would be neglecting the others obviously.
And furthermore, people do not get the right results in their lives if they use the Law of Attraction wrongly.
You are in the right place, because this is one of the most complete Holistic Personal Development courses using the Law of Attraction correctly.
This course is structured in such a way that it is like an encyclopedia collection, (More than just a collection of books)
  • Module No 1: Basics & Background Of Using The Law Of Attraction For Beginners And Newbies
  • Module No 2: Acceleration Of Your Power And Authority Through Universal Truths
  • Module No 3: Attracting What You Want Through Habit Reconstruction And Skill Aptitude Assessment
  • Module No 4: Applying Advanced Strategies By Training Your Subconscious Mind And Rewiring Your Financial Blueprint
  • Module No 5: Achieving Transcendence And Enlightenment By Attracting Goodness And Oneness With The Universe
These are the ebook products split over 5 different above modules. (30 EBooks)
  • An All Important Holistic Guide: Understanding The All Important Big Picture
  • The Reality Mindset: Achieving A Tranquil State Of Mind With The Principles Of Truth
  • Reality Roadblocks: Eliminating The Obstacles From Achieving True Reality
  • Attracting Authentic Affection: Making Daily Decisions Towards Becoming More Connected
  • Affection Roadblocks: Removing The Setbacks In Love
  • The Might Of The Fighter: Growing Your Power For Success
  • Overcoming Resistances: How To Blast Through Your Setbacks And Achieve Unlimited Power
  • Unison: Achieve Harmony Through Embracing The Truth With Love
  • Achieving Oneness Through Unison: Developing True Union With Others With One Accord Of Harmony
  • Taking Command: Develop True Effectiveness In Every Area Of Your life
  • Harnessing Your True Authority In Life: Attract Success With Others By Expanding Your Circle Of Influence
  • The Might Of The Brave: Dare To Dream Big And Dream With A Heart!
  • Accomplishing Your True Calling: Align Yourself To Your Passions And Take On The World With Your Power!
  • Aptitudes And Attitudes: Building Your Fortress Of Success Through Discovering The Balance In Your Aptitude
  • Unlimited Potential: Attract The Right Resources And Opportunities To Push Your Potential To The Maximum
  • Positive Habit Attraction Models: Methods That Will Help You Construct Good Habits Easily
  • Discarding Negative Habits: Methods That Will Help You Deconstruct The Bad Habits Holding You Back
  • Occupational And Career Blitzing: Develop Extreme Focus And Enjoy What You Are Doing
  • The Self-Assessment Test: Discover What You Are Good At and Attract The Right Success
  • Money Management Methods: Learn The Role Of Money And Strengthen The Right Mindset
  • Money Attraction Secrets: Discovering The Laws Of The Right Financial Blueprint
  • Physical Wellness Secrets: How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Harness Your Physique To The Best You Can Be
  • You Are What You Eat: What Foods Attract Better Energy And Vibrancy
  • Mind Health Secrets: Train Your Conscious And Subconscious Mind For Greater Mental Health
  • Relationship Attraction Secrets: Determine The Right People You Meet And Get More Out Of Those Already With You
  • Strengthen The Bond: Better Your Relationships With Others And Attract Success With People
  • The Power Of The Entrepreneur’s Mind: Attract Better Business Resources And Strengthen Your Businesses!
  • Universal Attraction Law: Develop Spiritual Prowess By Harnessing Your Inner Being
  • The Power Of Prayer: Have All Your Prayers Answered Whether You Do Or Do Not Believe In A Higher Being
  • The Power Of The Present Moment: Harness The Power Of Now And Attract Everything You Have Ever Dreamed Of

Law Of Attraction Motivational Posters Collection (30 Units), Source Files in PDF & Word Format, Beautifully Designed E-Covers & FULL Graphics Pack, Full Master Resell Rights Included.
Delivery would be performed through word files including separate & list of download links.

Just grab this entire 30 eBook collection just for $5

7-day full money back guarantee included. 100% RISK FREE!

If you have any questions, just contact me at

Thank You…

Health & Fitness Business In A Box - RUN 5K IN 5WEEK

Did you know that Obesity was treated as Disease in Ancient Times?
  • The fact ‘Obesity’ leads to 90% of disease in the modern era.
  • Obesity is the gateway to diseases; if not, a disease in itself, as referred to in the past.
  • Over 70% US & 64% UK Population are obese & dealing with multiple diseases.
  • Obesity is increasing at an alarming rate, and slowly killing the lifestyle of active people.
The Weight Loss industry is booming with billions of dollars to achieve results which can be achieved for FREE as well. They don't want you to know methods that work without Investments.

Health and Fitness Business in a Box - RUN 5K IN 5WEEK TRAINING PLAN
  • Training Plan + Revitalising Drink + Strength & Conditioning (PDF eBook)
  • Training Plan (Audio file)
  • Revitalising Running Drinks Recipes (Audio file)
  • Strength & Conditioning Program For Running (Audio file)
  • Worksheet (PDF eBook)

The Ultimate Guide To Weight Loss - PDF EBook & Audio file
The fitness tips that will strengthen your body, relax your mind and fill you with positive energy.
You will find the appropriate information on starting and maintaining a balanced lifestyle, tips on meals.
Learns the basics about calories consumption, how your body functions and you can yourself plan your diet without the help of a professional.
Boost up your metabolism and self-esteem and free yourself from depression and anxiety just by changing unhealthy habits and food patterns explained in the book.
Discover effective and enjoyable exercising techniques along with exercises that are easy to follow. If you are not into heavy exercises than follow our simple exercising tips that doesn’t require you to go to gym at all.

How To Lose Weight & Build Muscle - PDF EBook & Audio file
Get useful tips on the right supplements and the training to achieve a perfect physique, you have dreamed of in a less time-frame.
This book will help you know the basic factors behind a successful workout. We don’t want to fool you by offering “one size fits all” program. Know your body type, understand your environment, and then plan your diet and workout schedule accordingly with the help of this book.
The information will break your pre-conceived notion of effective training and healthy diet. You will get quicker results with continuous progress. No need to look back.
You will find all the essential information put together in one place with a practical approach. Exercises are very simple to follow and you don’t need to visit an organic food market to buy your food.

Bonus 1: Yoga Basics (PDF eBook & Audio file)
How the power of yoga can help any nicotine addict quit smoking almost overnight.
The secret to using yoga to safely cure any type of pain.
How Yoga an easily give you the stress free life you always wanted just a matter of days.

Bonus 2: Meditation For Everyday Living (PDF eBook & Audio file)
Everything you need to know about meditation is included in this special report.
  • What is Meditation
  • Benefits of Meditation
  • Taking Back Control using Meditation
  • How to Get Started
  • Guided Relaxation
  • Hypnosis
  • Using Music in Meditation for Self Development
  • Fighting Bad Habits in Self Development
Delivery would be performed through word files including separate & list of download links.

Just grab this Awesome Training Guide for $10

7-day full money back guarantee included. 100% RISK FREE!

If you have any questions, just contact me at

Thank You…

The Audio Adrenaline Complete Audio Series with Master Resale Rights

No better way to sooth the savage beast than listening to some relaxing tunes to calm the heart and soul. Sooth your ailments, clear your mind from worries and achieve calmness as you let your body, mind and soul immerse into a warm selection of relaxing tunes.

Music stimulates various parts of the brain, making it an effective therapeutic or mood-altering tool. Music’s pitch, rhythm, meter and timbre are processed in various parts of the brain ranging from the prefrontal cortex to the hippocampus to the parietal lobe.

Researches show that listening to calming music would significantly change the brain functioning to a similar extent as meditation.

The Audio Adrenaline Audio Collection, One of the best AUDIO PRODUCT PACKAGE in the market.
  • 8 Separate Audio Series in 1 Mega Package (8 in 1)
  • 70+ Audio Tracks in TOTAL.
  • Master Resale Rights Included.
Listening to Audio Adrenaline Audios may energize particular brainwave frequencies when they need a boost and very effective for Stress Management.

8 Main Audio Products in The Audio Adrenaline Complete Audio collection:

Audio Adrenaline Hypnotherapy
The advantages of hypnosis therapy are widespread. People report positive changes with hypnosis and it's recognized as a valid type of holistic alternative medicine.
This product would be a great solution, helps to understand & utilize hypnotherapy in your life.

The audio collection contains Hypnotherapy for,
  • Financially Free Mindset. (Harmonic Prosperity)
  • Releasing Your Inner Strength And Confidence! (Strong And Confident You)
  • Breaking Bad Habits With Alcohol. (Abolish Alcohol)
  • Breaking Bad Habits With Smoking. (Squash Smoking)
  • Breaking Bad Habits With Procrastination! (Get Rid Of Procrastination)
  • Developing The Zen Of Being Thin And Healthy! (Health Harmony)
  • Developing Positive, Meaningful Relationships With Others. (Right Relationships)
  • Strength And Inner Peace with God! (Superb Spirituality)
  • Forging The Path Towards Mastery. (Life Control)
  • Developing Harmony And Oneness With The Universe! (Universe Unity)
  • Creating Joy, Euphoria And Happiness In Life. (Happiness Unlimited)
  • Creating Unlimited Streams Of Passive Income. (Multiple Passive Income Streams)
  • Overcoming Pain, Fear And Childhood Abuses To Attain Freedom! (The Bondage Breaker)
  • Attaining Any Goal You Want In Network Marketing! (Diamond's Destiny)
  • Developing A Mindset That Will Never Be Shaken By Negativity. (Perfect Positivity)
  • Discovering Your True Self! (Authentic You)
  • Building Your Life As Through You Are The Master Life Carpenter! (Creativity Unleashed)
  • Overcoming Grief, Failure And Sadness Quickly! (Dealing With Sorrow)
  • Programming An Internet Marketer's Mind For Success. (Internet Idol)
  • Living Your Life As Though It Is Your Last Day On Earth! (The Last Day)
Graphic files included.

Audio Adrenaline Affirmations
Affirmations are positive statements that describe a sought after situation, and which are repeated numerous times, in order to impress the subconscious and trigger it into favorable action.
The repeated words help you center your mind on your aim, and automatically build matching mental images in the conscious mind, which affect the subconscious.
The conscious mind, the mind you think with, begins this process, and then the subconscious takes control to transform your habits, attitudes and behaviors in life.

This audio collection contains numerous affirmations,
  • Self-Discovery - Understanding The True You - 04:49
  • Goal Setting - Effective Goal Setting - 05:01
  • Marketing and Business - Excelling In Any Business Venture - 04:48
  • Habits And Subconscious - Building Positive Habits And Improving Your Subconscious Mind - 05:01
  • Financial Freedom - Attaining Wealth And Financial Freedom - 04:01
  • Relationships - Making The Best Of Your Relationships - 04:48
  • Health And Wellness - Attaining Optimal Health - 08:02
  • Positive Thinking - Positive Thinking And Building The Right Mindset - 06:44
  • Spirituality - Finding The Zen In You - 05:53

Audio Adrenaline Meditation
One of the best self-improvement digital products ‘Audio Adrenaline Meditation MRR’ comes with 5 audios and scripts.
Each audio comes with its own eCover. (PSD files included)

This Audio Collection Contains,
  • Healing Meditation - Audio Meditation For Accelerated Healing
  • Higher Power Meditation - Audio Meditation For A Greater Relationship With Your Maker
  • Potential Meditation - Audio Meditation For Unleashing Your Hidden Potential
  • Quiet The Mind Meditation - Audio Meditation For Ultimate Relaxation
  • Serenity Meditation - Audio Meditation For Achieving Peace And Oneness

Audio Adrenaline Motivational Reading Modules
  • Butterfly (about struggle)
  • Kindness (about treating people well)
  • Encouragement (about encouragement from others)
  • Controlling Anger (about keeping your temper)
  • Adversity (about overcoming hardships)
  • Consequences (about the way we handle what life throws at us)
Graphic files included.

Audio Adrenaline Relaxing Music Collection
  • 2 Beautiful and Restful Ambient Files
  • 1 Emotion Stirring Celtic File
  • 1 File For Achieving Chi
  • 1 Beautiful Soft Strings Meditation File
  • 1 Chanting Meditation File
Graphic files included.

Audio Adrenaline Ambient Sounds For Audio Zen and Tranquility
Amazing Sounds To Calm Your Mind, comes with 7 audios - Soothing sounds of crickets, chimes, happy birds, rain, running river, shore birds ocean, whales ocean.
Ambient sounds provide a steady source of sounds that are not typically nerve jarring. Ambient sounds for many individuals are merely constant and soothing.
Graphic files included.

Audio Adrenaline Breath Modulation Tools
Self Improvement package ‘Breath Modulation Tools’ comes with 2 mp3 audios, breath modulation pdf ebook and resale/opt-in material.
Graphic files included.

Audio Adrenaline The Best Binaural Beats Collection
Music has the power to touch us in ways that few things can. It energizes us when we need a boost, soothes us when we feel stressed.
The audio product ‘The Best Binaural Beats Collection’ comes with 24 Binaural Beat MP3s for Self Growth, Relaxation, Better Energy Flow and Brain Wave Control.
Binaural Beats are used with headphones, listening to binaural beats may increase particular brainwave frequencies
Graphic files included.
Delivery would be performed through word files including separate & list of download links.

Just grab this awesome Audio Adrenaline Complete Audio Collection just for $10

7-day full money back guarantee included. 100% RISK FREE!

If you have any questions, just contact me at

Thank You…

Affirmations and Abundance Twins Pack with Master Resell Rights

Monetize the 14 Billion Dollar Affirmations Niche and Abundance Niche.
The niches are EVERGREEN. Products will NEVER GO OBSOLETE after many years!
When you have products in these two niches, your profits are GUARANTEED!

>>> Affirmations <<<
The affirmations niche is one of the biggest niches in the self-help industry.
Millions of people use it every day and they are constantly looking for new ways to transform their lives.
This would guide you in affirmations for better self-awareness, tension relief, innovation and productivity.

Affirmations covered in 5 eBooks:
  • Leadership Affirmations - The big book of affirmations from inspiring leaders
  • Financial And Wealth Affirmations - The big book of affirmations from financial and business juggernauts
  • Fame And Fortune Affirmations - The big book of affirmations from famous celebrities
  • Self Help Affirmations - The big book of affirmations from personal development authors
  • Spiritual Affirmations - The big book of affirmations from spiritual leaders

>>> Abundance <<<
Almost all the people in self help industry talks about the abundant living.
People are constantly seeking for abundance in their wealth, health, careers, relationships, happiness and spirituality.

Abundance covered in 5 eBooks:
  • Abundance: Wealth - The greatest collection of financial words of abundance
  • Abundance: Love - The greatest collection of love languages and words
  • Abundance: Health and Fitness - The greatest collection of words for endless energy and motivational fitness
  • Abundance: Happiness - The greatest collection of words that will lift your spirits
  • Abundance: Spirituality - The greatest collection of words that will lead you to enlightenment and a higher purpose

What includes in each niche?

  • 5 Massive EBooks
This would guide you in affirmations & abundance for better self-awareness, tension relief, innovation and productivity.
These books teach people how to be vocal and transparent in the practice of affirmations & abundance and help those that they know need help so that others may follow the example and teach more people as well.
(Source files, PDF, Ecovers, Graphics included)

  • A  Video File with Transcript
People learn best with visual and audio cues. They learn best when they have images and sound to guide them.
As well, video and audio is a hot item to add to your sales arsenal. This video will guide people through life changing facts as well as provide beautiful stimulating images and sound.
The Affirmations Video File - 4:13 minutes & The Abundance Video File - 4:36 minutes

  • 30 Inspirational Articles
Ever wondered how you are able to reach out to likely buyers without spending that much? One way of doing so is by marketing the product or service you offer through article marketing.
Article marketing, simply put is a sort of marketing in which articles or write-ups are utilized to inform readers about a product that a particular business entity provides. The more articles or write-ups about the product or service you supply increases its chance to be found by people.

  • 10 Daily Tips (Mailings)
Staying in touch with your buyers is crucial. Not only for this product, but so you can keep them updated on other offers as well.
With these daily mailings you are able to provide value and stay in touch with buyers.
As well you can remind them of important lessons for affirmations & abundance...

  • 7+ Inspirational Wallpapers
People love to be inspired. With these beautiful wallpapers, people will be inspired every time they look at the screen.

  • 15 Inspirational Posters
People love to be inspired. Your customers will love you for providing these inspirational posters.

  • 5 Goal Trackers
People need a way to track the progress. With these great tools, people will be inspired to get things done as they will have a way to keep track of the progress they are making.

  • Licenses
With these readymade tools, people will be able to easily understand what they can do with these products and pass that info on to their customers as well.
(Master Resell Rights PDF & Basic Resell Rights PDF included)

Graphics & Source Files Included (Covers, Word files, PDF and more)
Delivery would be performed through word files including separate & list of download links.

Just grab this Affirmations and Abundance Twins Package with Full Master Resell Rights for $5

7-day full money back guarantee included. 100% RISK FREE!

If you have any questions, just contact me at
Thank You…