Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Bulletproof Arms In A Box

Why you should sell your own digital products
Hi, if you are looking forward to create a unique marketing portfolio and earn some money on it, one of the best ways to initiate is selling your own digital products online.
Simply, you can keep all of the profits by promoting and selling your digital products yourself or wisely you can invite affiliates or JV partners promoting your product for you.
Although you have to do a lot to finalize a quality assured-digital product, it will definitively be a durable asset, actually an investment that can generate mass recurring money in autopilot mode even if you are in a holiday.

The problem
But if you have already given it a try, you may already know that making a quality digital product is not an easy task because you need some professional technical skills and enough time to dedicate for the product. Actually, a digital product that having no quality is completely useless for your audience or yourself.  If you decide to outsource all the process for qualified professionals, sometimes it may cost a lot that cannot afford for the final product.

The Solution
There is a better option to get the job done for you. You can simply invest for a quality digital product comes with Private Label Rights (PLR) or Master Resell Rights (MRR).
Private Label Rights are a special type of right or license which you purchase where you are legally allowed to edit and publish the article as your own. You may even include your own name as the author and your own resource box at the end of each article. In most cases, the only thing you cannot do is pass the PLR rights to original product for your customers (Non-transferable PLR). But you can pass full Master Resell Rights (MRR) for your customers.
Master Resell Rights are a special type of right or license which you have permission to pass your customer the Master Resell Rights and your customer has the rights to pass Master Resell Rights too.
In another simple word, when you receive MRR with a product, you also can resell the product passing your customer full MRR rights.
Unfortunately, most of PLR and MRR products available in the market are not in the expected good quality. If you search on the internet you would see some big size PLR/MRR bundles consist of thousands of quantities. And you will further be amazed at their prices because they are cheap as no one can believe.
The truth is almost all of them are completely useless and quality-less products but big in size. My suggestion for you is to buy them only if they can offer you 100% money back guarantee for the satisfaction.  
After a lot of experiences, as a successful digital solution provider I have subscribed to some awesome PLR products that demand high values in the digital market.

Risk free 100% money back guarantee
Luckily you are in the right place. Because you can now purchase high quality-assured digital products with 7-day full money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the product, I will give you the full payment as you wish. So, this is COMPLETELY RISK FREE FOR YOU…
If you have any questions to be asked, just feel free to contact me at webpage20200@gmail.com

Here is what you can basically do with a quality assured PLR product
  • Use your own name on the product as author.
  • Simply upload the product without editing to your server & start direct selling.
  • Edit, change, retitle, customize or rebrand any of part in the package as required & resell it.
  • Insert any back-end affiliate links to the product as you wish.
  • Use for private membership sites and charge a monthly fee.
  • Use for seminars or webinars as a training source.
  • Use as a bonus package for your regular products.
  • Use as web contents on any domains as required.
  • Rebrand and submit it for free directories to generate mass traffic for your website.
  • Use to create autoresponders.
  • Publish in another language to get more sales.
  • Deliver the solution offline (DVD or any media)
  • Repurpose into other formats - for instance, you can repurpose them as e-books to sell for an audience.
  • And more..!
My message
Although all the basic features of most PLR products are often similar, sometimes resell rights and any other rights may be differed according to the terms & conditions associated with a specific PLR product.
For instance, some specific PLR products cannot be given away for free or cannot be added to any of free membership sites. But you can sell them in any paid membership sites or even charge a monthly fee for the product.
I am selling some unique PLR products that I just bought at higher prices in the market. But reselling them for cheaper prices means you would save approximately 70% of selling price that I originally bought. + I am giving some awesome bonuses you cannot find in any of their official web sites.
I have already bought these awesome digital products with full private label rights. So, I can edit, rebrand, or repurpose them in anyway I wish. The only thing I cannot do is pass the PLR rights to original product for you. But I can pass full Master Resell Rights (MRR) for you. When you receive MRR with a product, you also can resell the product passing your customer full MRR rights.
If you wish to buy these awesome products with private label rights, just contact me at webpage20200@gmail.com Because as an affiliate partner, I can give you the best-cheapest price available in the market for almost all the digital products published on my blog.
Just contact me one time and see the price differences you cannot even buy from their official-selling web sites in a normal way (Cheapest Price Guaranteed)

Following is a brief description of what you can do with the product BULLETPROOF ARMS originally comes with private label rights.

A brand new rarely-find PLR package in the billion dollar muscle building market. It is called BULLETPROOF ARMS mainly focuses on the many millions of ordinary, everyday males around the world who are training everyday striving to pack on muscle.
Offering this exclusive product to them will ensure that you make money in this desperate yet booming market. To keep in mind that these people will spend a lot of money no matter what and are actively seeking the information that will help them in their search for ripped muscular arms.
In this product you will get everything you need to totally make a killing and own a piece of this Billion dollar market while doing a good deed by helping people change their lives.

What includes in the BULLETPROOF ARMS Package

The complete price of the BULLETPROOF ARMS Package
No any ongoing or monthly fees, just grab this full package + bonuses for $10 with 7-day fully money back guarantee. RISK FREE!
Note: if you have any questions, just contact me at webpage20200@gmail.com

Thank You…

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